
This morning I am thankful beyond words. 2 weeks ago we began the journey of developing Pícaro, a solo performance project honoring the immigrant path. We spent these 2 weeks, day and night at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, with the best technical and artistic support one could ask, truly digging deep into such complicated and at times overwhelming issue. Poetic text, tradition-influenced masks, object manipulation/transformations, contemporary circus elements, all were put in service of the story to tell. We now have a great draft of this stage piece, and am thrilled for its potential. This process has truly moved me to the core, and it’s power it’s simmering... ¡Gracias Alicia por retarme constantemente artísticamente e insistir en un teatro que conmueva! Nos queda trabajo, ¡pero por ahí vamos! Shamou, dude, the best compañero on stage with a generosity that truly matches his immense musical talent. Merci a Joe, you brought and continue to bring dimensions and possibilities as we aim to continue to push through what presently seems impossible; and I must say that your combination of knowledge, skill and thirst for research is unparalleled in your métier. All in all, with this loooong post, it is to say that I feel honored to be here and now, truly appreciative of this process, and THRILLED for its future!!!! Oh, and of course, Princess Grace Foundation USA, I love you all and we owe this great beginning to you! Honored as well of being a PGF fellow. ¡Seguimos!